Store Credit



Save money by trading in your old asMODus mods! All you have to do is gather up your old or broken asMODus mods, fill out the RMA form, and save on your next purchase.


Procedure for Mod Trades.

Step 1: Fill out the RMA FORM. Only parts that need to be filled out is
-Name: Full Name
-Email: The email you use daily, and also include the email used for your asMODus account

-"Please include a brief description of the problems" If the mod is defective or broken, just leave a brief summary of what's wrong with it such as 
"Touch screen is broken"

Step 2: Send in your asMODus products to this address with the RMA FORM:
asMODus Warranty Center
15962 Downey Ave
Paramount, CA 90723

Step 3: Once we receive your Mod/mods, we will send you a coupon code via email. 
The coupon code will be equal to how many asMODus mods you sent in to us.
I.E. one mod will be $20, four will be $80 store credit.


Some items are not eligible for "Trade in asMODus mod for Store Credit". Those items being any Snow Wolf mods, and WEHE made mods. We reserve the right to deny any mod that is not eligible for Store Credit. You are responsible for shipping costs. Policies are subject to change without notice. The asMODus mods that are submitted for store credit can be in any condition.